John D. Portfolio

Tools and Websites

I run the independent studio Javissoft, and create games, tools, and websites. After working professionally as a Full Stack Developer for 3 years I went out on my own and started these large projects (and more). Since 2016, I've been creating games and websites using Unity, C#, .Net, HTML, Javascript, and more.

Large Projects

Dice Bot
Dice Bot is an all-in-one solution to making a casino server or chat channel for a small community. It has currency tracking, betting, games, cards, dice, and more.

Dice Bot can be invited to any Discord or FChat server, as it supports both APIs. The bot tracks data on each server/ channel it is a part of, and allows each to set their own rules about how the bot is used, what the chips can be used for and how they are acquired, and more. The bot is made for running games and gambling, and includes many pre-programmed games including poker, blackjack, roulette, rock paper scissors, slam roll, mafia, bottle spin, and more. The bot runs a simulated deck and it can include jokers or other deck types. There are tables that can be rolled on and include triggers, and users can make their own tables for anyone to roll. There are multiple slot machines and multi-spin options. There's a !work command that can give users an income of chips each day to use for games. The bot can generate random potions, which can be created by each channel for their own use. Dice Bot automatically connects to an external server through their API where it converts chips to their own (fake) currency through some chat commands. Dice Bot connects to Monster Generator 2's API and can be used to generate random monsters instantly, or retrieve a saved monster on the server.

Favor Chess Picture
Favor Chess Picture
Favor Chess Picture
Favor Chess Picture
Favor Chess Picture
Favor Chess Picture

Favor Chess Control Panel

A tool for managing the account data and server state for Favor Chess

The Favor Chess Control Panel allows a user to update data for accounts, including their collection pieces, rating, ban status, participation in various promotions and events, and more. It also allows the creation of promotion codes for use in the game, and can change the server's settings to change the rewards people get and quests that are available. It simplifies and makes the process safer of editing the game information so a database query is not required.

Dragon's Dilemma Picture

Dragon's Dilemma Picture
Explorer's Guild Publishing is dedicated to providing interesting and quality content for Dungeons and Dragons, and other RPG systems. We offer content for Pathfinder, 5e, and more for aspiring GMs as well as veterans who are looking for more unique content for their games. sells PDF files and images for Dungeons and Dragons adventures and supplements. It's used by Explorer's Guild Publishing, who also helped with the writing for Dragon's Dilemma. The website allows the site owner to edit the content of the website without developer intervention: Putting up blog posts, products, and new highlights and backgrounds can all be done independently. The website has a functional cart and user accounts, and handles checkout through Paypal or Stripe.

Favor Chess Picture
Favor Chess Picture
Favor Chess Picture
Favor Chess Picture

Monster Generator 2
The successor to Monster Generator (currently in open beta) is a website that has the same functionality as Monster Generator, but also incorporates AI generation for pictures and descriptions, as well as more features like sharing monsters with the community. Users have accounts that store their monster references online, and a account levels system determines how many they can save as well as how many tokens they earn each week to generate through AI.

Monster Generator 2
Monster Generator 2 Generate